Who is this guy?

Hi, I’m Steve Rousseau. I’m a freelance writer, and I also spent a majority of my adolescence playing World of Warcraft. This newsletter is me trying to combine those two things into something people would like to read, but most likely this is just a way for me to justify spending hundreds of hours playing a video game.

What’s World of Warcraft?

It’s a video game in which you spend many hours trying to get better digital clothes so you can see bigger numbers pop out of your enemy’s heads and make your fellow players, uh, admire you. I guess that’s kind of what I’m going for with this newsletter. Just what is World of Warcraft? Who can say?? Possibly me?

This is really great, I’m an editor and I would love to pay you for this?

Hey wow, I’m so incredibly glad you feel that way! Please email me: stephen.m.rousseau@gmail.com.

Subscribe to World of Stevecraft

Trying to find meaning in a video game from 2004.


welcome to my page. he/him